
Campgrounds - Blackstone Valley RI Region

Accommodations at campgrounds in the Blackstone Valley of Rhode Island are a good option for outdoor-loving people and children and families to enjoy a RI vacation at a reasonable cost. One excellent choice in Blackstone Valley is camping in the George Washington Management Area. This historic region offers lots of sports and outdoor activities, historic attractions from the American Industrial Age, as well as good dining, courtesy of the French, Italian, Asian, and other immigrant groups that have called the Blackstone Valley home.

George Washington Management Area

2185 Putnam Pike Chepachet, RI, 02814 Phone: 401-568-2013

This wooded parcle of 3,000 acres offers swimming, camping and hiking. Camping options include 45 trailer spots, primitive tent & trailer campsites. Swimming is allowed in the fresh-water Bowdish Reservior. Hiking trails. Cost is $8 for Rhode Island residents and $12 for non-residents. Camping permits are issued by the park ranger. Shelter fee is $20 per night. The camping season is early April to Mid-October.