Block Island Ferry - 866.783.7996 - Click Here to Sail Away!

Block Island features spectacular beaches and ocean views

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Mansion Beach

Mansion Road New Shoreham (Block Island), RI Phone: 401-466-3200 Toll-Free: 401-466-3200

Mansion Beach is marked by the stone foundation of Rhode Island's old Searles Mansion and dance hall. You can get here easily by walking or biking along the road from Corn Neck. There is a large parking lot, though the walk from the lot to the sand is a bit long. Popular with picnicking families, and good for swimming and body surfing.
Amenities: None.
Season/Hours: Year-round. Dawn – dusk.
Fees: Free admission and parking.
Charleston Beach

End of Champlin Road New Shoreham (Block Island), RI Phone: 401-466-3200 Toll-Free: 800-466-3223

Extending from Coast Guard Road to Block Island Sound, this beach’s jetty is a popular fishing spot. Peaceful and typically not crowded, this beach has both rough and smooth sand (sand is smoothest near the old Coast Guard Station). Walk the jetty, watch sail and power boats entering New Harbor, and watch the sun set over the water. Parking is available at the end of Champlin Road near the old Coast Guard Station.
Amenities: None; bicycle locks.
Season/Hours: Dawn – dusk.
Fees: Admission and parking are free.
Crescent Beach / Fred Benson Town Beach

7 Corn Neck Road New Shoreham (Block Island), RI Phone: 401-466-7717

Beach extends more than two miles along Rhode Island Sound from Old Harbor to Clay Head, also connecting Scotch and Mansion beaches of Rhode Island. Near the ferry dock. Known locally as Crescent Beach. This beach is popular for family swimming and has calmer surf. Convenient parking in the lot or on the street. This is the only patch of shoreline on Block Island with both lifeguards and public amenities. Lifeguards on duty 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Amenities: Picnic site, chair/umbrella/boogie board rentals, bike racks, free parking, wheelchair accessible restrooms, showers, snack bar.
Season/Hours: Building hours, 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.; Beach hours, dawn – dusk.
Fees: Admission is free.
Baby Beach

Off Corn Neck Road near Dodge and Water streets New Shoreham (Block Island), RI Phone:

Known informally as Baby Beach, this piece of coastline is located between Fred Benson Town Beach and Crescent Beach, and begins at the Surf Hotel, near the Beachhead Restaurant on Corn Neck Road. This is where locals take their children for a dip in the ocean. Calm waters and shallow tide pools make this a popular place for young children.
Amenities: Restroom, showers, chair/umbrella rentals, snack bar, lockers, boogie board rentals, bike racks, complete wheel chair access.
Season/Hours: 9 a.m. – 6 p.m., June 23 - Labor Day
Fees: Admission and parking are free.
Block Island Ferry - 866.783.7996 - Click Here to Sail Away!
Paddys Beach Club - Misquamicut Beach, RI
Ballard's Beach

End of Water Street New Shoreham (Block Island), RI Phone:

Just south of the Block Island ferry dock and jetty is Ballard's Inn and the pet-friendly Ballard's Beach. There is food and drink service from the Inn’s restaurant right onto the beach, along with live music on the patio daily. The beach is youthful, busy and sometimes noisy. This is one of 2 Block Island beaches with a lifeguard on duty. Pet-friendly. Amenities include: Restrooms, volleyball nets, trash receptacles, picnic site, chair/umbrella rentals. Admission and parking are free.
Beach Below Mohegan Bluffs

Off Spring Street /Mohegan Trail New Shoreham (Block Island), RI, 02807 Phone: 401-466-5009

This is a beautiful and tranquil area with magnificent views and stunning landscapes of a Rhode Island beach. Head South along Spring Street and watch for the Southeast Lighthouse. Parking for the bluffs is just a short distance south of the lighthouse. The bluffs rise about 200 feet above the sea and stretch for nearly three miles. To help make your descent and climb easier, there is a staircase. Spectacular vistas and nature walks.
Amenities: Picnic site, trash receptacles.
Season/Hours: May 30 - Labor Day
Fees: Admission is free.
Paddy's Beach Club & Tikki Beach - Creative Oceanfront Dining in Misquamicut, RI